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Mango Processing Line Machine

Hits: 2755
Addtime: 2016-09-30

Mango Pulp & Juice Production Line Machine
1. Washing Machine
2. Sorting Conveyor
3. Elevator
4. Pulping Machine / turbo refiners
5. Tubular Preheater Pasteurizer
6. Filling Machine-Can Filling Machine / Bottle Filling Machine / Aseptic bag Filling Machine 


Raw material: Mango

Finished product: Mango Pulp, Mango Slice, Mango Concentrate, Mango Juice and puree, jam,Mango chutney 

Capacity range: 3tons/day to 1500tons/day

Brix of juice: 10~20Brix,

Brix of concentrate: 50~75Brix

Package options: Aseptic bag/tetra pak/ glass bottle/PET bottle